Enoll activity

Picture of a group of workers

Enoll activity has been designed to promote living lab type of activities such as hackathons, live seminars, events and participatory study etc. To do this, LUT has two physical facilities that are spporting our activities to engage surrounding society. These facilities include LUT CODER Lab and Living Labs.

CODER (http://coder.lut.fi/) is LUT’s usability and indirect interaction lab, specializing in the Internet of Things interactions and usability. CODER lab has the equipment to support user-testing of software products through various interfaces and physical computing devices. The lab features overhead cameras and a separate room with a one-way mirror for user observations. The lab can be used for controlled experiments, conducting and monitoring co-design, studies on different interaction devices including interactive wall display, IoT devices, smartwatches, wearables, physical prototyping etc.

LUT University has teamwork environments to generate innovative ideas and solve problems towards a better solution for the citizens, collaborates with different people in multidisciplinary viewpoints. These include Living labs – use of living lab concepts to engage students and citizens in various activities; Hackathons – use of hackathon concept to experiment with various technologies and stakeholders to innovate new solutions; Technologies – use of various IoT/sensor technologies within living labs and hackathons to extend their use.

Picture: LUT Team
Picture: Hackathon activities on Climate Change

Website link
